highbond_workflow_status (Resource)
name | String | The name of the status. Names are case-insensitive and must be unique |
position | Number | Determines the visual order of statuses inside the workflow |
workflow_id | String | The ID of the workflow |
color | String | Hexadecimal value to capture a color for the field, used in display and reporting |
default | Boolean | Specifies that this status is the default for items in the workflow. Every workflow must have exactly one default status |
description | String | The description of the status |
event_ids | Set of String | The IDs of the event associated with workflow status |
force_delete | Boolean | If set to true, the status will be deleted regardless of default, locked, or linked items conditions. System statuses cannot be deleted, even with this set to true |
force_updates | Boolean | Allows overriding top-level 'create_only' option. |
id | String | The ID of this resource. |
locked | Boolean | Indicates that this status cannot be deleted by the user. |
shown | Boolean | Indicates that this status is shown in the workflow by default |
created_at | String | The date the status was created |
system | Boolean | Indicates that this workflow cannot be modified by the user |
updated_at | String | The date the status was updated |
Example Usage
resource "highbond_workflow_status" "main" {
name = "My second Workflow status"
description = "The description of the status"
position = 1
default = true
shown = true
locked = true
color = "The color of the status"
workflow_id = "09d5837d-e0a5-47d8-9511-25f378bd360f"
event_ids = ["5c075506-f093-4572-89d0-67e5c53073f7"]
force_delete = false
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes