highbond_objective (Data Source)
parent_resource_id | Number | ID of associated project or framework |
title | String |
id | String | The ID of this resource. |
parent_resource_type | String | Each objective has an associated project or framework as parent_resource_type |
is_available | Boolean | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
objectives | List of Object | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nested Schema for `objectives`Read-Only
Example Usage
data "highbond_project_type" "main" {
name = "Test project type name"
data "highbond_framework" "main" {
name = "Test framework name"
// Sample for framework objective
data "highbond_objective" "famework_objective" {
title = "Test objective framework"
parent_resource_id = data.highbond_framework.main.frameworks[0].id
parent_resource_type = "frameworks" // This is an optional field. This is only valid in case of frameworks
// We can access this datasource value as below: data.highbond_objective.famework_objective.objectives[0].id
// Sample for project objective
data "highbond_objective" "project_objective" {
title = "Test objective project"
parent_resource_id = 34564