certification_terms | List of Object | |
Nested Schema for `project_types.certification_terms` Read-Onlyterm_for_certification | String | | term_for_certifications | String | |
control_terms | List of Object | |
Nested Schema for `project_types.control_terms` Read-Onlycontrol_method_enabled | Boolean | | control_methods | List of String | | control_prevent_or_detects | List of String | | control_states | List of String | | control_status_enabled | Boolean | | control_types | List of String | | frequencies | List of String | | frequency_enabled | Boolean | | prevent_detect_enabled | Boolean | | term_for_control | String | | term_for_control_control_type | String | | term_for_control_frequency | String | | term_for_control_id | String | | term_for_control_method | String | | term_for_control_owner | String | | term_for_control_prevent_or_detect | String | | term_for_control_status | String | | term_for_controls | String | | type_enabled | Boolean | |
control_test_terms | List of Object | |
Nested Schema for `project_types.control_test_terms` Read-Onlyactual_milestone_date_enabled | Boolean | | conclusion_status_options_false | List of String | | conclusion_status_options_true | List of String | | conclusion_values_false | String | | conclusion_values_true | String | | detail_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | general_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | planned_milestone_date_enabled | Boolean | | preparer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | specialty_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | supplemental_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | term_for_actual_milestone_date | String | | term_for_control_test_2_1 | String | | term_for_control_test_2_2 | String | | term_for_control_test_4_1 | String | | term_for_control_test_4_2 | String | | term_for_control_test_4_3 | String | | term_for_control_test_4_4 | String | | term_for_control_test_conclusion | String | | term_for_control_test_test_results | String | | term_for_control_test_testing | String | | term_for_detail_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_general_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_planned_milestone_date | String | | term_for_preparer_signoff | String | | term_for_specialty_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_supplemental_reviewer_signoff | String | |
description | String | |
enable_creating_projects | Boolean | |
finding_remediation_terms | List of Object | |
Nested Schema for `project_types.finding_remediation_terms` Read-Onlydetail_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | general_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | preparer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | specialty_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | supplemental_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | term_for_detail_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_general_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_preparer_signoff | String | | term_for_specialty_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_supplemental_reviewer_signoff | String | |
finding_retest_terms | List of Object | |
Nested Schema for `project_types.finding_retest_terms` Read-Onlydetail_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | general_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | preparer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | specialty_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | supplemental_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | term_for_detail_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_general_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_preparer_signoff | String | | term_for_specialty_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_supplemental_reviewer_signoff | String | |
finding_terms | List of Object | |
Nested Schema for `project_types.finding_terms` Read-Onlyaction_priorities | List of String | | action_statuses | List of String | | cause_enabled | Boolean | | cost_impact_enabled | Boolean | | detail_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | effect_enabled | Boolean | | escalation_enabled | Boolean | | escalation_levels | List of String | | executive_owner_enabled | Boolean | | executive_summary_enabled | Boolean | | finding_types | List of String | | general_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | id_enabled | Boolean | | preparer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | project_owner_enabled | Boolean | | recommendation_enabled | Boolean | | remediation_statuses | List of String | | risk_impact_enabled | Boolean | | scope_enabled | Boolean | | scopes | List of String | | severity_enabled | Boolean | | severity_values | List of String | | specialty_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | supplemental_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | term_for_detail_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_finding | String | | term_for_finding_action_priority | String | | term_for_finding_action_status | String | | term_for_finding_actual_remediation_date | String | | term_for_finding_actual_retest_date | String | | term_for_finding_cause | String | | term_for_finding_cost_impact | String | | term_for_finding_date_identified | String | | term_for_finding_description | String | | term_for_finding_effect | String | | term_for_finding_escalation_level | String | | term_for_finding_executive_owner | String | | term_for_finding_executive_summary | String | | term_for_finding_id | String | | term_for_finding_overall_status | String | | term_for_finding_owner | String | | term_for_finding_project_owner | String | | term_for_finding_recommendation | String | | term_for_finding_remediation_date | String | | term_for_finding_remediation_plan | String | | term_for_finding_retest_deadline_date | String | | term_for_finding_risk_impact | String | | term_for_finding_scope | String | | term_for_finding_severity | String | | term_for_finding_tab | String | | term_for_finding_title | String | | term_for_finding_type | String | | term_for_general_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_preparer_signoff | String | | term_for_specialty_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_supplemental_reviewer_signoff | String | |
id | String | |
name | String | |
narrative_terms | List of Object | |
Nested Schema for `project_types.narrative_terms` Read-Onlydetail_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | general_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | narrative_enabled | Boolean | | specialty_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | supplemental_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | term_for_detail_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_general_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_narrative | String | | term_for_narratives | String | | term_for_preparer_signoff | String | | term_for_specialty_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_supplemental_reviewer_signoff | String | |
objective_terms | List of Object | |
Nested Schema for `project_types.objective_terms` Read-Onlyactual_dates_enabled | Boolean | | actual_milestone_date_enabled | Boolean | | planned_dates_enabled | Boolean | | planned_milestone_date_enabled | Boolean | | term_for_actual_end_date | String | | term_for_actual_milestone_date | String | | term_for_actual_start_date | String | | term_for_objective | String | | term_for_objective_executive_owner | String | | term_for_objective_location | String | | term_for_objective_owner | String | | term_for_objective_reference | String | | term_for_objectives | String | | term_for_planned_end_date | String | | term_for_planned_milestone_date | String | | term_for_planned_start_date | String | |
planning_terms | List of Object | |
Nested Schema for `project_types.planning_terms` Read-Onlyactual_dates_enabled | Boolean | | actual_milestone_date_enabled | Boolean | | detail_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | general_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | planned_dates_enabled | Boolean | | planned_milestone_date_enabled | Boolean | | planning_enabled | Boolean | | preparer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | specialty_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | supplemental_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | term_for_actual_end_date | String | | term_for_actual_milestone_date | String | | term_for_actual_start_date | String | | term_for_detail_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_general_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_planned_end_date | String | | term_for_planned_milestone_date | String | | term_for_planned_start_date | String | | term_for_planning | String | | term_for_planning_background | String | | term_for_planning_file | String | | term_for_planning_files | String | | term_for_planning_purpose | String | | term_for_planning_scope | String | | term_for_preparer_signoff | String | | term_for_specialty_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_supplemental_reviewer_signoff | String | |
process_walkthrough_terms | List of Object | |
Nested Schema for `project_types.process_walkthrough_terms` Read-Onlydetail_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | general_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | specialty_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | supplemental_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | term_for_detail_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_general_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_preparer_signoff | String | | term_for_specialty_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_supplemental_reviewer_signoff | String | |
project_terms | List of Object | |
Nested Schema for `project_types.project_terms` Read-Onlyactual_dates_enabled | Boolean | | actual_milestone_date_enabled | Boolean | | planned_dates_enabled | Boolean | | planned_milestone_date_enabled | Boolean | | term_for_actual_end_date | String | | term_for_actual_milestone_date | String | | term_for_actual_start_date | String | | term_for_fieldwork | String | | term_for_planned_end_date | String | | term_for_planned_milestone_date | String | | term_for_planned_start_date | String | | term_for_project | String | | term_for_risk_control_matrix | String | | term_for_risk_control_matrix_short | String | |
results_terms | List of Object | |
Nested Schema for `project_types.results_terms` Read-Onlyactual_dates_enabled | Boolean | | actual_milestone_date_enabled | Boolean | | detail_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | general_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | opinion_options | List of String | | planned_dates_enabled | Boolean | | planned_milestone_date_enabled | Boolean | | preparer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | specialty_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | supplemental_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | term_for_actual_end_date | String | | term_for_actual_milestone_date | String | | term_for_actual_start_date | String | | term_for_detail_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_fieldwork_reports | String | | term_for_general_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_planned_end_date | String | | term_for_planned_milestone_date | String | | term_for_planned_start_date | String | | term_for_preparer_signoff | String | | term_for_results | String | | term_for_results_conclusion | String | | term_for_results_file | String | | term_for_results_files | String | | term_for_results_management_response | String | | term_for_specialty_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_supplemental_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_supporting_workpapers | String | |
risk_control_matrix_terms | List of Object | |
Nested Schema for `project_types.risk_control_matrix_terms` Read-Onlydetail_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | general_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | specialty_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | supplemental_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | term_for_detail_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_general_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_preparer_signoff | String | | term_for_specialty_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_supplemental_reviewer_signoff | String | |
risk_terms | List of Object | |
Nested Schema for `project_types.risk_terms` Read-Onlyrisk_impacts | List of String | | risk_likelihoods | List of String | | term_for_risk | String | | term_for_risk_description | String | | term_for_risk_id | String | | term_for_risk_impact | String | | term_for_risk_likelihood | String | | term_for_risk_title | String | |
test_plan_terms | List of Object | |
Nested Schema for `project_types.test_plan_terms` Read-Onlydetail_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | general_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | sample_size_enabled | Boolean | | specialty_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | supplemental_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | term_for_control_test_plan_sample_size | String | | term_for_control_test_plan_test_method | String | | term_for_control_test_plan_test_steps | String | | term_for_detail_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_general_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_preparer_signoff | String | | term_for_specialty_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_supplemental_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_test_plan | String | | test_method_enabled | Boolean | | test_methods | List of String | | test_plan_enabled | Boolean | |
testing_round_terms | List of Object | |
Nested Schema for `project_types.testing_round_terms` Read-Onlydetail_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | general_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | specialty_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | supplemental_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | term_for_detail_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_general_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_preparer_signoff | String | | term_for_specialty_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_supplemental_reviewer_signoff | String | |
walkthrough_terms | List of Object | |
Nested Schema for `project_types.walkthrough_terms` Read-Onlyactual_milestone_date_enabled | Boolean | | control_verified_values_false | String | | control_verified_values_true | String | | detail_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | general_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | planned_milestone_date_enabled | Boolean | | preparer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | specialty_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | supplemental_reviewer_signoff_enabled | Boolean | | term_for_actual_milestone_date | String | | term_for_detail_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_general_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_planned_milestone_date | String | | term_for_preparer_signoff | String | | term_for_specialty_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_supplemental_reviewer_signoff | String | | term_for_walkthrough | String | | term_for_walkthrough_control_verified | String | | term_for_walkthrough_walkthrough | String | | term_for_walkthroughs | String | | walkthrough_enabled | Boolean | |
workflow | String | |