highbond_request_item_status (Resource)
action | String | The action of the request item status. Valid field types are: 'nothing' and 'warning' |
project_type_id | Number | The ID of the project type. |
status | String | The displayed name of the request item status. |
force_updates | Boolean | Allows overriding top-level 'create_only' option. |
id | String | The ID of this resource. |
created_at | String | The timestamp identifying when the request item status was created. |
default | Boolean | Specifies if the request item status is default (true) or not (false). The default statuses can't be deleted. |
updated_at | String | The timestamp identifying when the request item status was updates. |
Example Usage
resource "highbond_project_type" "main" {
name = "RequestItemStatus project type"
description = "Type Internal Control Description"
workflow = "control"
resource "highbond_request_item_status" "main" {
status = "NewStatus"
action = "warning"
project_type_id = highbond_project_type.main.id