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Version: Latest Version (2.9.2)

highbond_compliance_maps (Resource)



compliance_requirement_idString The ID of the complinace requirement
control_idString The ID of the control


coverageNumber Compliance Maps coverage percentage
force_updatesBoolean Allows overriding top-level 'create_only' option.
idString The ID of this resource.


created_atString The timestamp specifying when the mapping was created
updated_atString The timestamp specifying when the mapping was updated

Example Usage

resource "highbond_project_type" "main" {
name = "Custom Test Project Types"
description = "Custom Test Project Types Description"
workflow = "control"
enable_creating_projects = true

resource "highbond_framework" "main" {
name = "Custom Test framework"
description = "Framework description."
background = "<h1>Heading</h1><p>Framework background description.</p>"
purpose = "<h1>Heading</h1><p>Framework purpose description.</p>"
scope = "<h1>Heading</h1><p>Framework scope description.</p>"
folder_name = "folder"
position = 1
risk_assurance = true
project_type_id =

resource "highbond_objective" "main" {
title = "Custom Test objective"
reference = "Gardenia"
description = "My objective is to stay positive"
division_department = "R&D"
owner = ""
executive_owner = ""
position = 1
assigned_user_id = "Enter a valid UUID here"
parent_resource_id =
parent_resource_type = "frameworks"
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = ["custom_attributes"]

resource "highbond_control" "main" {
objective_id =
title = "Custom Test control"
description = "My control is everything Now"
control_id = "Gardenia-1"
owner = "Pooja Shetty"
frequency = "Daily"
position = 1
method = "Management Review"
control_type = "Application/System Control"
prevent_detect = "Prevent"
status = "Key Control"
owner_user = "dEsLN2SaS1NwYscEKBFY"

resource "highbond_compliance_maps" "main" {
coverage = 80
compliance_requirement_id = "397675"
control_id =
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes

depends_on = [highbond_control.main]