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Version: Latest Version (2.9.2)

highbond_compliance_regulation (Resource)



nameString The unique name of the compliance regulation


available_tagsList of String List of available tags to be used inside the regulation
descriptionString The detailed description of the regulation
disclaimerString Regulation disclaimer
external_idString An optional identifier
force_updatesBoolean Allows overriding top-level 'create_only' option.
idString The ID of this resource.
lockedBoolean Defines whether regulation is editable or not
premiumBoolean Indicates whether content is only available for users who have premium edition subscriptions
report_disclaimerString Report disclaimer
requirement_disclaimerString Requirement disclaimer
sourceString Source of the regulation. Used for legal reasons
tagsList of String List of applied tags. Must use elements from available_tags
toolkit_preview_nameString To be used only for toolkit preview name


created_atString The timestamp specifying when the regulation was created
updated_atString The timestamp specifying when the regulation was updated

Example Usage

resource "highbond_compliance_regulation" "main" {
name = "My regulation250"
description = "Regulation details"
external_id = "RG-1"
source = "Federal Trade Commission"
disclaimer = "Example of disclaimer." // Supported for only root user
report_disclaimer = "Example of disclaimer." // Supported for only root user
requirement_disclaimer = "Example of disclaimer." // Supported for only root user
available_tags = ["foo", "foo1"]
tags = ["foo"]
locked = false // Supported for only root user
premium = false // Supported for only root user
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes
toolkit_preview_name = "Toolkit preview name for complaince regulation"