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Version: 2.8.9

highbond_objective (Resource)



assigned_user_idString The unique identifier (UID) of the assigned user
parent_resource_idNumber ID of associated project or framework
referenceString The reference number or code for the objective
titleString The title of the objective


actual_end_dateString Actual end date
actual_milestone_dateString Actual milestone date
actual_start_dateString Actual start date
assuranceNumber The level of assurance that the controls in place effectively mitigate risk to the business
custom_attributesBlock Set An array of custom attributes defined on the project type used by the project this objective is from
Nested Schema for `custom_attributes`


idString The ID of this custom attribute. Optional if term is included
termString The user defined term used to identify this custom attribute. Optional if id is included.
valueSet of String The value or values (for multiselect) for this custom attribute
descriptionString A detailed description of the objective
division_departmentString The division or department responsible for the objective
entitiesSet of String List of entities associated with objectives
executive_ownerString The executive owner of the objective. Specifying a person's name or email does not automatically send them an email notification about the objective
force_updatesBoolean Allows overriding top-level 'create_only' option.
framework_origin_idString In the Projects app, a project objective can have a related counterpart in an associated framework. The framework_origin attribute allows you to associate an objective in a project with its related counterpart in a framework. Can be set only when parent_resource_type is projects
idString The ID of this resource.
inherent_riskNumber The risk that an activity would pose if no controls or other mitigating factors were in place. Can also be referred to as the gross risk, or risks before controls, and can act as the baseline for your organization's risk tolerance or appetite
ownerString The person responsible for the objective. Specifying a person's name or email does not automatically send them an email notification about the objective
parent_resource_typeString Each objective has an associated project or framework as parent_resource_type
planned_end_dateString Planned end date
planned_milestone_dateString Planned milestone date
planned_start_dateString Planned start date
positionNumber The value that determines the order in which it is displayed in the index action. position must be a value between 1 and 2147483647
residual_riskNumber The risk that remains after controls are taken into account. Can also be referred to as the net risk or risk after controls


created_atString The timestamp identifying when the objective was created
risk_control_matrix_idString The id of the risk control matrix
testing_round_1_idString The id of testing round 1 (if applicable)
testing_round_2_idString The id of testing round 2 (if applicable)
testing_round_3_idString The id of testing round 3 (if applicable)
testing_round_4_idString The id of testing round 4 (if applicable)
updated_atString The timestamp identifying when the objective was last updated
walkthrough_summary_idString The id of the walkthrough summary

Example Usage

resource "highbond_objective" "main" {
title = "Stay Fit"
reference = "Gardenia"
description = "My objective is to stay positive"
division_department = "R&D"
owner = ""
executive_owner = ""
position = 1
assigned_user_id = "Enter a valid UUID here"
parent_resource_id =
parent_resource_type = "projects" //frameworks
entities = [,]
framework_origin_id =
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes
planned_start_date = "2020-12-01"
planned_end_date = "2021-12-01"
actual_start_date = "2020-12-05"
actual_end_date = "2021-12-05"
actual_milestone_date = "2020-12-10"
planned_milestone_date = "2020-12-05"

custom_attributes {
id = "24518"
term = "Short Answer"
value = ["Short Answer"]

custom_attributes {
id = "24519"
term = "Dropdown"
value = ["DropDown"]