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Version: 2.8.9

highbond_attribute_type (Resource)



data_typeString The data type of the attribute type
display_nameString The name that will be displayed for this attribute type
nameString The name of the attribute type


field_nameString The name of the attribute type as it appears in the system
force_updatesBoolean Allows overriding top-level 'create_only' option.
idString The ID of this resource.
is_globalBoolean Whether the attribute type is global
is_requiredBoolean If this attribute type is associated with an object with a handler, the handler indicates either that all of the associated attribute types, or specific attribute types, must be checked for whether they have values for the workflow to advance
tooltipString Text information for the UI element
type_optionsBlock List
Nested Schema for `type_options`


allow_multiple_filesBoolean Specifies whether the attribute will allow multiple files
defaultString Default value for attribute type varies based on attribute tyep
default_optionsBlock List Default userlookup attribute value
Nested Schema for `type_options.default_options`


group_idsList of String Array of UUID of group
user_idsList of String Array of UUID of user
is_24hourBoolean Specifies whether the value is in 24-hour format
is_decimalBoolean Specifies whether the value is in decimal format
is_multi_selectBoolean Specifies whether the userLookup attribute can be assgined to multiple user/groups
is_richtextBoolean Specifies whether the value is in Rich Text format
is_select_groupBoolean Specifies whether the userLookup attribute can select groups
is_select_userBoolean Specifies whether the userLookup attribute can select users
labelsBlock List
Nested Schema for `type_options.labels`


nameString Must be unique within the attribute type
typeString The type of relationships


permitted_relationshipsBlock List
Nested Schema for `type_options.labels.permitted_relationships`


primary_object_type_idString The upstream object type for non-parallel relationships
secondary_object_type_idString The downstream object type for non-parallel relationships
related_labelBlock List Required for upstream/downstream relationships
Nested Schema for `type_options.labels.related_label`


nameString Display name of the label


field_nameString Unique identifier assigned by the system. Required when changing the related label


field_nameString Unique identifier assigned by the system. Required when modifying a label.
rolesList of String Represent the userLookup role_id that is assigned to the attribute
select_valuesBlock Set
Nested Schema for `type_options.select_values`


nameString The name of the option value


colorString Hexadecimal value to capture a color for the field, used in display and reporting
defaultBoolean Specifies that the option is the default selected one
removedBoolean Used to delete an existing option during UPDATE request. Not available for CREATE requests
scoreNumber A decimal that enables calculation on the selected values of the list
sort_orderNumber Numeric value used to determine the display order of the options


idString UUID assigned to the option before saving to Bigfoot
visualString Values can be one of dropdown or radio


created_atString The date the attribubte type was created
created_byString The user ID of the user who created this attribute type
is_metadataBoolean Whether the attribute type is metadata
updated_atString The date the attribute type was updated
updated_byString The user ID of the last user who updated this attribute type

Example Usage

resource "highbond_attribute_type" "number" {
name = "What is your age?"
display_name = "What is your age?"
data_type = "number"
is_global = true
is_required = true
tooltip = "Hey"
field_name = "number_attribute_type__c" // Non-root user should suffix field_name with __c and from toolkits(root-user) need not suffix field_name with __c
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes

type_options {
default = 45
is_decimal = true

resource "highbond_attribute_type" "boolean" {
name = "Are you married?"
display_name = "Are you married?"
data_type = "boolean"
is_global = true
is_required = true
tooltip = "Hey"
field_name = "boolean_attribute_type__c" // Non-root user should suffix field_name with __c and from toolkits(root-user) need not suffix field_name with __c
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes
type_options {
default = false

resource "highbond_attribute_type" "text" {
name = "What is your name?"
display_name = "What is your name?"
data_type = "text"
is_global = true
is_required = true
tooltip = "Hey"
field_name = "text_attribute_type__c" // Non-root user should suffix field_name with __c and from toolkits(root-user) need not suffix field_name with __c
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes
type_options {
default = "Biswa"

resource "highbond_attribute_type" "paragraph" {
name = "paragraph attribute type"
display_name = "Payam"
data_type = "paragraph"
is_global = true
is_required = true
tooltip = "Hey"
field_name = "paragraph_attribute_type__c" // Non-root user should suffix field_name with __c and from toolkits(root-user) need not suffix field_name with __c
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes
type_options {
default = "asdasd"
is_richtext = true

resource "highbond_attribute_type" "dateTime" {
name = "datetime attribute type"
display_name = "Created At"
data_type = "dateTime"
is_global = true
is_required = true
tooltip = "Hey"
field_name = "datetime_attribute_type__c" // Non-root user should suffix field_name with __c and from toolkits(root-user) need not suffix field_name with __c
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes
type_options {
default = "2020-12-25"
is_24hour = true

resource "highbond_attribute_type" "userLookup" {
name = "userlookup attribute type"
display_name = "Owner"
data_type = "userLookup"
is_global = true
is_required = true
tooltip = "Userlookup"
field_name = "userlookup_attribute_type__c" // Non-root user should suffix field_name with __c and from toolkits(root-user) need not suffix field_name with __c
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes
type_options {
default_options {
user_ids = ["current"]
group_ids = []
is_multi_select = true
is_select_user = true
is_select_group = true
roles = ["b9941967-9375-4699-bf2e-8e5aed054404"]

resource "highbond_attribute_type" "select" {
name = "select attribute type"
display_name = "Department"
data_type = "select"
is_global = true
is_required = false
tooltip = "Select a department that the asset belongs to."
field_name = "select_attribute_type__c" // Non-root user should suffix field_name with __c and from toolkits(root-user) need not suffix field_name with __c
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes
type_options {
visual = "dropdown" // can be dropdown or radio
select_values {
name = "Sales"
score = 10
sort_order = 1
color = "#3F3D3C"
default = true
select_values {
name = "Marketing"
score = 5
sort_order = 1
color = "#3F3D3C"
default = false

resource "highbond_attribute_type" "assessment" {
name = "Assessment attribute type "
display_name = " Vendor assessment"
field_name = "assessment_attribute_type__c" // Non-root user should suffix field_name with __c and from toolkits(root-user) need not suffix field_name with __c
data_type = "assessment"
is_global = true
is_required = true
tooltip = "Hey"
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes

resource "highbond_attribute_type" "attachment" {
name = "attachmentAttributeType"
display_name = "Attribute with Attachments"
data_type = "attachment"
is_global = true
is_required = true
tooltip = "Im a attachment tooltip"
field_name = "attachment_attribute_type__c" // Non-root user should suffix field_name with __c and from toolkits(root-user) need not suffix field_name with __c
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes
type_options {
allow_multiple_files = true

// Adhoc relationship attribute type
resource "highbond_attribute_type" "adHoc" {
name = "Third Party"
display_name = "Third Party"
data_type = "adHocRelationship"
is_global = true
is_required = false
tooltip = "Third Party"
field_name = "thirdparty__c" // Non-root user should suffix field_name with __c and from toolkits(root-user) need not suffix field_name with __c
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes
type_options {
labels {
name = "Relates to"
type = "parallel"
permitted_relationships {
primary_object_type_id =
secondary_object_type_id =
permitted_relationships {
primary_object_type_id =
secondary_object_type_id =
labels {
name = "Causes"
type = "upstream"

related_label {
name = "Caused By"
permitted_relationships {
primary_object_type_id =
secondary_object_type_id =
labels {
name = "Caused By"
type = "downstream"
related_label {
name = "Causes"