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Version: 2.8.9

highbond_issue (Resource)



deficiency_typeString The deficiency type of the issue
descriptionString The description of the issue
project_idNumber The ID of the project


actual_remediation_dateString Specifies the date the issue was remediated
actual_retest_dateString Specifies the date the issue was retested
causeString A detailed description of what caused the issue to occur
closedBoolean A detailed description that specifies whether or not the issue has truly been remediated
cost_impactNumber The estimated, or actual, monetary cost associated with the issue
custom_attributesBlock Set
Nested Schema for `custom_attributes`


idString The ID of the custom attribute that this custom attribute value is for
termString The user defined term used to identify the custom attribute
valueSet of String The value or values (for multiselect) to set this custom attribute to
effectString A detailed description of the effect the issue will have on the organization
entitiesSet of String The ID of the entities
escalationString A user configurable label that specifies the person, department, or organizational body that the issue should be brought to
executive_ownerString The executive owner of the issue. Specifying a person's name or email does not automatically send them an email notification about the issue
executive_summaryString A high level overview of the issue that typically summarizes information from other related fields, such as risk/impact, cause, and effect
force_updatesBoolean Allows overriding top-level 'create_only' option.
idString The ID of this resource.
ownerString The person responsible for the issue
owner_userString Specifies the user responsible for the issue
positionNumber The value that determines the order in which it is displayed in the index action
project_ownerString The project owner of the issue. Specifying a person's name or email does not automatically send them an email notification about the issue
publishedBoolean Specifies whether the issue is visible to all users
recommendationString A detailed description of the recommended actions to be taken based on the issue
referenceString The ID of the issue
remediation_dateString Specifies a deadline for the issue to be remediated by
remediation_planString A user configurable issue remediation status
remediation_statusString Specifies whether the overall status of the issue
retest_deadline_dateString Specifies a deadline for the issue to be retested by
retesting_results_overviewString A detailed description of the remediation plan
riskString A detailed description of the risk or the impact the issue will have
scopeString A user configurable label that specifies the extent to which the issue affects the organization
severityString A user configurable label that specifies the intensity of the issue
targetBlock List The value or values (for multiselect) to set this custom attribute to
Nested Schema for `target`


idString The ID of this resource.
titleString The title of the issue


created_atString The timestamp identifying when the issue was created
updated_atString The timestamp identifying when the issue was updated

Example Usage

resource "highbond_issue" "main" {
project_id =
owner = "Biswa Ranjan Behera"
description = "Issue Example"
deficiency_type = "Management Recommendation"
identified_at = "2019-02-03T17:02:33Z"
title = "Issue created for testing"
recommendation = "No recommended action required as of now"
severity = "Low"
published = true
reference = "123"
risk = "Test Risk"
scope = "Global"
escalation = "Owner"
cause = "Issue caused by testing"
effect = "No Effect"
cost_impact = 12.32
executive_summary = "Test Summary"
executive_owner = "Biswa Ranjan Behera"
project_owner = "Biswa Ranjan Behera"
closed = true
remediation_status = "Closed"
remediation_plan = "Test Plan needed"
remediation_date = "2020-02-20"
actual_remediation_date = "2020-02-20"
retest_deadline_date = "2020-02-20"
actual_retest_date = "2020-02-20"
retesting_results_overview = "Test description"
position = 1
entities = [,]
owner_user = "rPRyawL242pUu4qxmBzd"
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes

target {
id =
type = "projects"

custom_attributes {
term = "DropDown"
value = ["Value"]

custom_attributes {
term = "Short Answer"
value = ["ShortAnswer"]
