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Version: 2.8.5

highbond_action (Resource)



assigned_byString The person who created the action
due_dateString pecifies the date the action must be completed by
issue_idNumber The ID of the issue
titleString The title of the action


cc_contactsList of String An array of user emails
cc_usersBlock List Specifies one or more users in a HighBond instance that are cc'ed on this action
Nested Schema for `cc_users`


idString The ID of this resource.
closedBoolean Specifies the state of the action
completed_dateString Specifies the date that the action was completed or addressed
custom_attributesBlock Set
Nested Schema for `custom_attributes`


idString The ID of the custom attribute that this custom attribute value is for
termString The user defined term used to identify the custom attribute
valueSet of String The value or values (for multiselect) to set this custom attribute to
descriptionString The description of the action
force_updatesBoolean Allows overriding top-level 'create_only' option.
idString The ID of this resource.
include_issue_detailsBoolean If true, the issue details will be included in the response
include_remediation_detailsBoolean If true, the remediation details will be included in the response
owner_emailString The action owner’s email address
owner_nameString The action owner
owner_userString Specifies the user in a HighBond instance that responsible for the action
priorityString A user configurable classification that specifies the priority of the action
send_recurring_reminderBoolean If true, a recurring email reminder about the action is sent to the owner
statusString A user configurable classification that specifies the current status of the action
submitted_onString Specifies the date that the action was submitted


created_atString The timestamp identifying when the action was created
updated_atString The timestamp identifying when the action was updated

Example Usage

resource "highbond_action" "main" {
issue_id =
title = "Title of the action"
due_date = "2020-04-09"
owner_name = "Biswa Ranjan B"
owner_email = ""
send_recurring_reminder = true
include_issue_details = true
include_remediation_details = false
description = "<h1>Action heading</h1><p>Action description.</p>"
priority = "high"
closed = true
completed_date = "2020-01-02"
status = "Audit Verifying"
submitted_on = "2020-01-02"
assigned_by = "uxtXXmLsyy-1y5AFb51A"
cc_contacts = [""]
owner_user = "uxtXXmLsyy-1y5AFb51A"
force_updates = true

custom_attributes {
term = "Preferred Language"
value = ["English", "Spanish"]
custom_attributes {
term = "Wrap up Date"
value = ["2020-07-01"]

cc_users {
id = "Enter a valid UUID here"

cc_users {
id = "Enter a valid UUID here"