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Version: 2.9.1

highbond_robot_task (Resource)



nameString The name of the task
robot_idString The ID of the robot


analytic_namesList of String A list of the names of scripts to run
app_versionNumber The version of the script
email_notifications_enabledBoolean If true, an email notification is sent to one or more specific users if the task fails
environmentString The environment of the script
force_updatesBoolean Allows overriding top-level 'create_only' option.
idString The ID of this resource.
log_enabledBoolean If true, a log is available every time the analytic is run
public_key_nameString The public RSA key for encrypting password values
publish_to_resultsBoolean This is not currently supported
scheduleBlock List, Max: 1
Nested Schema for `schedule`


frequencyString The interval at which the task is repeatedly run
intervalNumber The interval in minutes between runs. To safeguard the HighBond API against bursts of usage, there is a minimum interval of 10 minutes between runs
starts_atString The time of day to start running the task
starts_at_timezoneString The timezone used to start running the task


settingsBlock List, Max: 1
Nested Schema for `schedule.settings`


daysList of Number The days that the task is scheduled to run. If the task is scheduled to run on a weekly frequency, days are represented from 0 to 6, where 0 represents Sunday and 6 represents Saturday. If the task is scheduled to run on a monthly frequency, days is represented as a number between 1 and 28 or specified as last_day. days does not return anything for once, hourly, and daily frequencies


last_run_atString The time when robot task was last run at
next_run_atString The time when robot task will next run at
share_encryptedBoolean If true, any user with access to the robot can run, disable, or enable the task. If false, only the user who entered the password can run, disable, or enable the task
valuesBlock Set
Nested Schema for `values`


analytic_nameString The name of the script, which is used as a parameter value
dataBlock List, Min: 1, Max: 1
Nested Schema for ``


typeString The data type of the value czn have possible values: character, date, datetime, file, logical, number,table, time
valueString A user-facing input parameter of type string, which lets a user specify script input values in advance. This allows an analytic script to run unattended, either immediately, or at a scheduled time
value_arrayList of String A user-facing input parameter of type array, which lets a user specify script input values in advance. This allows an analytic script to run unattended, either immediately, or at a scheduled time
value_boolBoolean A user-facing input parameter of type bool, which lets a user specify script input values in advance. This allows an analytic script to run unattended, either immediately, or at a scheduled time
parameter_idString The identifier of the parameter


encryptedBoolean If true, the script contains a PASSWORD analytic tag, which prompts the user for a password before running the analytic, and encrypts the entered value. The PASSWORD parameter is required in any command that imports from or exports to HighBond


conflictsMap of String Specifies the conflicts related to a script activation.
created_atString The date when the task was created
enabledBoolean Specifies whether the task is enabled. You cannot run a disabled task
next_runsString Specifies when the task will next run
updated_atString The date when the task was updated

Example Usage

resource "highbond_robot_task" "main" {
robot_id =
app_version = highbond_robot_app.main.version
email_notifications_enabled = false
environment = highbond_robot_activation.main.environment
log_enabled = false
name = "Feb 25 Terraform Task"
publish_to_results = false
public_key_name = "Sample encryption key"
share_encrypted = true
analytic_names = ["Testing Cloud Uni"]
force_updates = true

schedule {
frequency = "weekly"
interval = 1
starts_at = "2029-05-04T10:00:00.000Z"
starts_at_timezone = "Etc/UTC"
settings {
days = [2]

values {
analytic_name = "Testing Cloud Uni"
parameter_id = "v_character"
encrypted = false
data {
type = "character"
value = "A New Value" // Use this field for setting single value.

values {
analytic_name = "Testing Cloud Uni"
parameter_id = "v_character"
encrypted = false
data {
type = "character"
value_array = ["value 1", "value2"] // Use this field for setting multiple values.

values {
analytic_name = "Test_task"
parameter_id = "var3"
encrypted = false
data {
type = "logical"
value_bool = true // Use this field for setting boolean values