highbond_compliance_regulation (Data Source)
name | String | The unique name of the compliance regulation. |
id | String | The ID of this resource. |
available_tags | List of String | List of available tags to be used inside the regulation. |
created_at | String | The timestamp specifying when the regulation was created. |
description | String | The detailed description of the regulation. |
disclaimer | String | Regulation disclaimer. |
external_id | String | An optional identifier. |
is_available | Boolean | This flag can be used to check if data source is available or not. |
locked | Boolean | Defines whether regulation is editable or not. |
premium | Boolean | Indicates whether content is only available for users who have premium edition subscriptions. |
report_disclaimer | String | Report disclaimer. |
requirement_disclaimer | String | Requirement disclaimer. |
source | String | Source of the regulation. Used for legal reasons. |
tags | List of String | List of applied tags. Must use elements from available_tags. |
updated_at | String | The timestamp specifying when the regulation was updated. |
Example Usage
data "highbond_compliance_regulation" "main" {
name = "Example_Compliance_Regulation_Name"