highbond_question_choice (Resource)
item_type | String | Specifies the type of the questionnaire item. Enum: SingleChoiceQuestion, MultipleChoiceQuestion, DropdownQuestion | ||||||||||||
options | Block List, Min: 1 | List of Options available | ||||||||||||
Nested Schema for `options`Required
| ||||||||||||||
questionnaire_id | String | The ID of the Questionnaire | ||||||||||||
text | String | The main text of the question |
column_text | String | The display name of the question when it appears in a table |
force_updates | Boolean | Allows overriding top-level 'create_only' option. |
id | String | The ID of this resource. |
instructions | String | The instructions for answering the question |
optional | Boolean | Specifies whether the question is optional |
other_value | String | When spcified, respondents can provide an alternative answer if the available options do not apply to them. The text will be used as the label to this option |
position | Number | The position value determines the order of items within the questionnaire |
reference_id | String | Unique identifier for the question within the questionnaire, and for the response option within the choice question. |
weight | Number | Adds importance weight to choice question |
created_at | String | The date the question was created |
question_id | Number | Id of the question |
updated_at | String | The date the question was updated |
Example Usage
resource "highbond_question_choice" "main" {
questionnaire_id = highbond_questionnaire.main.id
text = "Terraform : How do you feel at home during Covid"
instructions = "Stay safe and stay home. It's not your choice. Its a govt order"
column_text = "No text"
optional = false
item_type = "MultipleChoiceQuestion"
position = 4
other_value = "None of the above"
reference_id = "Important"
weight = 1.88 // Only 2 digits after decimal point are allowed
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes
options {
text = "Safe"
reference_id = "Safety"
weight = 1.88 // Only 2 digits after decimal point are allowed
options {
text = "Not Safe"
follow_up_questions = [