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Version: 2.8.2

highbond_time_entry (Resource)



dateString The date of the time entry.
timeNumber The time of the time entry.


assigned_user_idString Auto assigned to creating user ID if not specified.
category_idString The ID of the category.
client_delayBoolean Specifies whether project was delayed.
descriptionString A detailed description of the time entry.
force_updatesBoolean Allows overriding top-level 'create_only' option.
idString The ID of this resource.
positionNumber The value that determines the order in which it is displayed in the index action. Position must be a value between 1 and 2147483647.
targetBlock List Specifies the resource that the time entry is associated with.
Nested Schema for `target`


idString The ID of the resource.
typeString The classification of the object. A target can have one of the following types: projects, narratives, objectives, walkthrough_summaries, project_plannings, walkthroughs, control_tests, control_test_plans, project_results, project_files, risk_control_matrices, testing_rounds, risks, controls.


ui_linksString URL of page providing user interface for target resource.


created_atString The timestamp identifying when the time entry was created.
updated_atString The timestamp identifying when the time entry was last updated.

Example Usage

resource "highbond_time_entry" "main" {
description = "Time Entry description"
date = "2023-03-15"
time = 1.88
position = 1
client_delay = true
assigned_user_id = "uuid"
force_updates = false // Create only with force update changes

target {
id = "187535"
type = "projects"

resource "highbond_time_entry" "main" {
description = "Time Entry description"
date = "2028-03-15"
time = 8.88
position = 1
client_delay = true
assigned_user_id = "uuid"
category_id = "category_id-123"
force_updates = false // Create only with force update changes