highbond_project (Resource)
name | String | The name of the project |
project_type_id | String | The ID of the project type |
start_date | String | The date specifying when the project is scheduled to begin |
target_date | String | The date specifying when the project is scheduled to be completed |
actual_end_date | String | Actual end date | |||||||||
actual_milestone_date | String | Actual milestone date | |||||||||
actual_start_date | String | Actual start date | |||||||||
background | String | The background of the project | |||||||||
budget | Number | The budgeted hours that have been allocated for the project | |||||||||
certification | Boolean | Specifies if the Certifications feature has been enabled (true) or disabled (false) for the project | |||||||||
control_performance | Boolean | Specifies if the Control Performance feature has been enabled (true) or disabled (false) for the project | |||||||||
custom_attributes | Block Set | ||||||||||
Nested Schema for `custom_attributes`Optional
| |||||||||||
description | String | The description of the project | |||||||||
entities | Set of String | The ID of the entities | |||||||||
force_updates | Boolean | Allows overriding top-level 'create_only' option. | |||||||||
id | String | The ID of this resource. | |||||||||
management_response | String | A description of management's response to the overall rating of the project | |||||||||
max_sample_size | Number | The total sample size, split among testing rounds, defined in the project | |||||||||
number_of_testing_rounds | Number | The number of testing rounds performed in the project | |||||||||
opinion | String | A user configurable final rating of the project outcome | |||||||||
opinion_description | String | A formal statement about the project outcome, including remarks or recommendations | |||||||||
planned_end_date | String | Planned end date | |||||||||
planned_milestone_date | String | Planned milestone date | |||||||||
planned_start_date | String | Planned start date | |||||||||
position | Number, Deprecated | ||||||||||
purpose | String | The intended results, aims, or goals of the project | |||||||||
risk_assurance | Boolean | Specifies if the Risk Assurance feature has been enabled (true) or disabled (false) for the project | |||||||||
scope | String | What is, and is not, covered by this project | |||||||||
status | String | A user configurable classification. Each project can have one status | |||||||||
tag_list | List of String | A comma separated list of tags associated with the project | |||||||||
toolkit_preview_name | String | To be used only for toolkit preview name |
assurance | Number | The level of assurance that the controls in place effectively mitigate risk to the business |
created_at | String | The timestamp identifying when the project was created |
header_alert_enabled | Boolean | Specifies if the Header Alert feature has been enabled (true) or disabled (false) for the project |
header_alert_text | String | Custom message displayed at the top (header) of each project with sensitive data |
inherent_risk | Number | The risk that an activity would pose if no controls or other mitigating factors were in place |
progress | Number | Project progress |
residual_risk | Number | The risk that remains after controls are taken into account |
state | String | When a project is created, it can have state active or archive |
time_spent | Number | The total time spent on the project |
updated_at | String | The timestamp identifying when the project was updated |
Example Usage
resource "highbond_project" "main" {
name = "Control Test Projects"
start_date = "2019-02-03"
target_date = "2019-02-08"
status = "active"
description = "Test Project"
background = "<h1>Heading</h1><p>Project background description.</p>"
budget = 0
management_response = "Test repsonse updated"
max_sample_size = 25
number_of_testing_rounds = 2
certification = true
control_performance = true
risk_assurance = true
opinion = "Excellent"
opinion_description = "<h1>Heading</h1><p>Project opinion description.</p>"
purpose = "<h1>Heading</h1><p>Project purpose description.</p>"
scope = "<h1>Heading</h1><p>Project scope description.</p>"
tag_list = ["TAG-a", "TAG-b", "TAG-c"]
project_type_id = highbond_project_type.main.id
entities = [highbond_entity.master.id, highbond_entity.me.id]
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes
planned_start_date = "2020-12-01"
planned_end_date = "2021-12-01"
actual_start_date = "2020-12-05"
actual_end_date = "2021-12-05"
actual_milestone_date = "2020-12-10"
planned_milestone_date = "2020-12-05"
toolkit_preview_name = "Toolkit preview name for projects"
custom_attributes {
term = "ShortAnswer"
value = ["short answer"]
custom_attributes {
term = "Dropdown"
value = ["dropdown"]